Expert in Strategy and Implementation
Hermann Häfele – Roter Faden Finder
Lots of Experience
Owner of the brand Roter Faden Consulting.
Background: Business education and Master of Professional Consulting; educated coach, trainer and change-manager.
24 years of industry experience: service- and logistics-oriented business-fields, IT-projects, about ten years of different leadership roles.
Main passion: “advanced” business development – to support people and businesses to be successful and to closely accompany their implementation phase.
Proficient in German and English.
Strong Partners
Antje Hein
Antje is a senior consultant who focuses on the corporate identity as well as marketing of companies and organizations: She’s an expert for the transfer of an organization’s strategic decisions into a kind of marketing, which really attracts the desired target group.
She specializes in changes of perspectives and paradigms in thinking, writing and communicating;
Antje facilitates Workshops, offers trainings for leaders and also seminars for “writing and communicating”, which also explore the inpact of language on business culture and the motivation of staff.
She offers her services in German (first language), English, French and Spanish.
Bernhard Beer
Berlin – MBA in Leadership and Change Management; 20 years of industry experience in hospitality and consumer electronics. 15 years of different leadership roles.
Specialist for leadership, change management and business strategy.
He actively supports you throughout the process until your goals are achieved.
Memberships (selection)
I am a member of the German Forum for Strategy e.V.
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Member of the German association for Transaction Analysis
… which concentrates on the models and teachings of Eric Berne fort he improvement of culture and communication in society and in companies.
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Certified trainer of the Team Management System
… of Marguerison/McCann as well as the Team Performance Model (TPM) of Drexler/Sibbet.
And thereby also part of that international trainer network: “Personal and team development focused on business results”.
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Social engagement: Member of the Desert Flower Center of the Berlin hospital „Waldfriede”
“Every 11 seconds, a girl in the world is cut. Every third girl cut dies as a result of FGM and many suffer a lifetime of both physical and psychological trauma.
With the establishment of the Desert Flower Foundation in 2002, we have declared war on this cruel ritual.” (Waris Dirie)
The “Waldfriede” hospital offers medical and psychological support including self help groups for affected women.
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